Ris, ros, diskussioner, mm ...

Afsendt:17-12-2004 18:33:04
Emne:Det afhænger af gruppen
Tekst:På side 34 (nederst) i rapporten står der jo:

"Some 35% of our online musician sample agree with the statement that file-sharing services are not bad for artists because they help promote and distribute an artist’s work; 23% agree with the statement that file-sharing services are bad for artists because they
allow people to copy an artist’s work without permission or payment. And 35% of those surveyed agree with both statements."

Du misforstår iøvrigt Politikens artikel. Der står intetsteds at et flertal af de adspurgte kunstnere skulle *gå ind for piratkopiering*. Du burde nok holde dig lidt mere på den rene sti når du netop beskylde andre for at *misforstå* noget.

Jeg ved ikke hvilke af de mange tal i rapporten Politiken har kigget på (hverken du eller Politiken referere jo til tallene på en let gennemskuelig måde (fx med sidenummer i rapporten)). Men jeg kunne forestille mig at det er fra side 21 hvor der står:

"Just 14% of artists say they are very concerned about the issue of file-sharing on the Internet, and 28% say they are somewhat concerned. Another 31% say they are not too
concerned, and 22% are not concerned at all. There were no significant differences between the responses expressed by the total artist pool and those expressed by Paid Artists. Similarly, responses from musicians within the artists’ sample resembled those of other artists: 17% say they are very concerned, 28% somewhat concerned, 32% not too
concerned and 20% not at all concerned."

./ Kristoffer