Ris, ros, diskussioner, mm ...
Tekst:Hej Klaus.

Jeg har lige konsulteret en engelsk kollega og du har ret: earnings (de 7 milliarder dollars) er ikke indtjening men omsætning. Jeg går ud fra at Terry Fisher har styr på begreberne (imodsætning til mig ;-). De 6 dollars per måned er altså nok til at dække omsætningen for 2000 (guldåret) med et 20% fald i solgte fonogrammer. Så er spørgsmålet om selskabernes udgifter i forbindelse med denne forretningsmodel vil være større end de er i dag. Generelt set er marginalomkostninger lavere ved on-line distribution end ved fysisk distribution.

I Fishers oprindelige artikel står blandt andet:

"The proliferation of unauthorized free copies has frightened both the recording industry and many musicians. The laments of the recording companies leave many observers unmoved. It is commonly said that the major recording companies have been engaged in oligopolistic pricing for years and can stand to forego some profits. Even if that is true, however, the pleas of the musicians merit our attention. A dramatic reduction in their revenues both may deprive them of a fair return for their labors and may create precisely the state of affairs that copyright law (according to the dominant theory thereof) was designed to prevent: socially suboptimal production of musical works because of their nonexclusivity. In short, Internet distribution of digital music may result, not in an increase in the amount and variety of music available to the public, but in a decrease."

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